
Stop for a moment and notice that air is going inside your nostrils and then slowly coming out of them. Now ask yourself, Are you a master of your life? Do you have the power to govern your own life? 

Answer that very honestly. And don't just get Chillax if your answer is 'No'. Bruhh! Put some thought into the fact that if you're not in control of your own life, then who is governing it? Where are you going? If the answer is again 'no' then, bruh, wake up! Until it's too late. My post is a reminder to you and me that we have to live our lives consciously with awareness.

Let's take a small step towards betterment together.

Ask yourself, Where should I go?

What do I want?

What kind of people am I dealing with?

What kind of music am I listening to?

Close your eyes and take a breath. In and out. What are you? Where are you?


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