A Decade Later : Revisiting a old friend.

He is one of my friends with whom I like to hang out and share a sort of compatibility. He is tall, decent-looking, and has a good voice. He sings decently, at least better than I do. Actually, he and I have a duo in our class; we sing in class no matter the situation. He is my singing partner, somewhat. He has been good in academics and bad with girls. Barshit does not have a good standing posture due to his tallness.

Things to acknowledge: 

He maintained a good academic record throughout his academic journey. Man! He really puts effort into his studies. He has overconfidence, which is somewhat justified by his work. For example, if you show attitude for no reason but then are average when it's time for results, who will admire or tolerate your overconfidence? But in his case, he works to justify his behavior.

His strong motivating factor is someone telling him he can't do something. Then he works more efficiently and produces good outcomes. In general, he has good talking sense, but he struggles when he tries to be oversmart. His overall personality has this drawback. People like him get irritated when someone tells them something because they think they are oversmart. They can't see themselves as inferior, even when they are a bit. They justify it with nonsense.

Things to learn with improvement: 

If you really want to take something from this type of personality, take his ability to work and sense of humor. He is quite funny sometimes, but when he tries to be oversmart, he loses his charm. Just don't take his overconfidence and irritating behavior. Instead, learn to admit when you're wrong, be humble, and show respect towards others.

See, he won't abuse you for no reason, but he will surely make you feel hurt by his humor, thinking he is being funny. His speaking skills are better. The major drawback with this personality is overconfidence and being oversmart, which they aren't. If you're also diagnosed with such traits, this is a reminder for you. You don't sound good! Remember, being yourself is the best thing you can do! That's the key improvement.

One thing I forgot to mention is their will to grow, which is really appreciable! 

What you should keep in mind if you're diagnosed with these traits? 

People understand your nonsense, buddy! Don't try to be something you're not. You have so much; just embrace it! If your work is good, congratulations! Stop being oversmart! Learn to be smart. Work on yourself! Simple! Everyone has flaws and good things; that's what makes us human. 

Tell me in the comments: do you want me to continue this? 

Spread love and positivity.❤


  1. Can't wait to see who is next on your 'Unserious Personality Breakdowns ' series.


  2. I'm not sure if I should be concerned or relieved that I identify with most of these.


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