From Hiatus to here.

Heyy! It's been too long since I last wrote anything, so I'm writing this now. Good, isn't it? Talking about days, they went by as they meant to go. I mean, I could have done better, but what I did was also good. I know it sounds mean for me to say this, especially since I haven't made any significant achievements in the past few months. Yeah, it's been too long since I last hit a milestone - I don't even have one! Lol.

I'm a Class 12 student wondering what to do next in my life. I don't have a specific purpose. It's been too cloudy here, umm, like it's been raining for two days straight. My exams were supposed to start on September 14, but they've been postponed. I've done almost no preparation, and instead of studying, I'm writing this blog. At least I'm writing this blog; otherwise, this day would have been a complete waste!

I want to make a few announcements. From now on, I'll be starting a series called 'Unserious Personality Breakdowns' where I'll analyze the personalities of people I know. I'll discuss what I like and dislike about them, and more. I don't care whether you'll love it or not; I'm going to do it anyway! Secondly, I'll be tracking my progress and improvement here, so you can join me if you want. That's it. Good day!


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