Hey! It's been too long since I've written anything. Umm, yeah! I had written some diaries, but this blog went unnoticed for so long. This blog is a virtual record of my life, what I read, what I think, and much more. I was ignoring it for so long. So bad. Isn't it?
Days are going so unproductive. But the good news is that I have found some ways to make it productive. Really in these days I've realised, more simple your life is more productive and happy it'll be. For so long, I've been living under the illusion of being busy. I was busy most of the time, but sadly, it was all meaningless.
A few months ago, I changed my coaching, and I was supposed to study more and work hard, but the results were totally antagonistic. No revision; I always end up doing emergency study during the last days or even the last hours of a test or exam. Really! and the glamoured illusion wasn't letting me see all this. I was thinking so highly of myself with almost naughty actions. But the results were like a wiper wiping the mirror so that I could see the mirror of reality. It worked well, but now I'm going to change. I want to work on my maximum potential, and I want my actions to speak, so I'm going to be silent.
The blog will be updated twice or three times a week. Stay Tuned!
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