
As the Name suggests welcome to "Teenage Blogger ".

Always laugh when you can :)

Hey! Adarsh Mishra this side :) And you? :))

What's hot now?

Adarsh Mishra is a passionate blogger who blog's about interesting things. Here are some of them.

Reflection on life. Pt.5
Reflection on life. Pt 4
Reflection on life. Pt 3
Reflection on life. Pt.2
Reflection on life.
Life Update : 2
Life Update!
A Decade Later : Revisiting a old friend.
Introduction to ' Unserious Personality Breakdowns' .
From Hiatus to here.
Mind is trapped!
Come back!
Can we love 2 person at the same time?
Think Over it!
Got any band?
Rejected For being True.
A Night - 2
Your question was Answered.
Feeling Sad?
Freaking Things.
A page from my diary.
Mehndi in Indian Marriages.
Everybody Sucks!
Different City
 A Night.